AI Powered Business Insights

A Modern Data and Analytics platform

HaLLMark helps you automate your data related workflows and derive insights using Generative AI in Data Analysis  for successful and informed business decisions.

Hallmark Platform BI Automation Benefits. A woman is sharing a computer screen and showing a data dashboard with her colleague.
Created with Fabric.js 3.6.6


Created with Fabric.js 3.6.6

Assistants & Agents

Created with Fabric.js 3.6.6



HaLLMark platform has a host of features ready to integrate with your business needs.


Zero-code Natural Language business insights


Co-pilots, Assistants and Agents


Generative AI with Retrieval technology


Integrated LLM with Foundation Models


Enterprise grade Security & Scalability


API backed for upstream integrations

Hallmark AI logo

From Data to Insights


Data Ingestion

With over 120+ integrations HaLLMark AI connects to diverse data sources from XL sheets, databases,  enterprise systems like SAP and more. 

Data Visualisation

Charts, graphs and dashboards customized to your personal needs. Assistants and co-pilots are set-up for user roles to provide specific customer experiences.

Data Workflows

The ability to set-up Agents for specific tasks along the data pipeline such as data cleansing or matching across different data sets.

Business Insights

Beyond visualization, Generative AI can provide business insights into data and recommend a course of action basis exposure to industry trends and information.

Our customers across industries...

Explore HaLLMark AI Capabilities

Contextual Understanding

Ability to generate human-like text and automate report generation. Summarizes large volumes of data to give personalized recommendations. 

Unstructured Data 

Gain a competitive advantage by uncovering deep insights, untapped trends, and invaluable opportunities from text, audio & video data. 

Smart Automation

Introduce automation to the analytics processes & repetitive tasks such as data extraction, analysis & insight generation. 

Real-time decision making

AI integrated advanced analytics provides real-time insights with enhanced relevancy over time. 

Predictive Analytics

Continuously train AI on new data, allowing to adapt & improve over time to provide intelligent insights. 

Ease of Use

A one time set-up of Co-pilots and assistants to handle the complexities in the background.  You can also set-up your personal chat-bot assistant

Book My Demo

A leaf in a transparent glass vase - like a stylus

Third Ray, Inc.

750 N Saint Paul St, Ste 250, 
Dallas, Texas 75201, USA

+1 (302) 353-1762

8AM TO 6PM IST (India)

From data to Business Insights

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