Hallmark Active Intelligence

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Hallmark Active Intelligence

Active Intelligence

Data Analytics

Data Analytics - Real World Perspective


Data Analytics: A Real-World Perspective

Every conversation with our customers and potential users of Hallmark AI platform, about practical application of AI in modern Business Intelligence, inevitably brings out some common questions – “How to take early advantage of the AI phenomenon?”, “How to do it safely?”, “How to do so non-trivially?” and “How to consistently demonstrate meaningful results?”. For many executives it feels like a tight rope walk on a slippery rope with no safety harness attached.

Controlling power of data analytics


Control the Power of Data Analytics

The best response I have heard to the question 'Why do cars have brakes?", is, "To help it go faster".

Likewise, when you have the appropriate safeguards and controls in place, you can enable your Data Analytics to perform at the "Speed of Business". 

Dashboards over time


The Fascinating Origin of Dashboards

Do you know where the term 'Dashboard' came from? What was it's purpose and how has it evolved over the years?

Used ubiquitously across industries today, the origin of the 'Dashboard' deserves a mention. 

Evolving Dashboards


Evolving from Traditional to AI-Based Dashboards

To 'scamper' is to move in a hurry. The world today is definitely in a hurry with AI leading the change. SCAMPER is also a brainstorming technique that encourages us to re-examine existing products, services, or processes through seven different lenses, leading to creative new ideas.

Let us look at how traditional dashboards are giving way to AI powered dashboards.

Intelligent Dashboards


Intelligent Dashboards in Action

A spotlight on Hallmark AI Dashboards powered by Generative AI. If you are not already re-thinking how Business Intelligence is delivered to your stakeholders, read on to find out how, in the context of the ability to manage and interpret complex genomic and clinical data for precision oncology.

Where, traditional analytics tools often fall short, leaving potential insights unexplored, we follow how Hallmark Gen AI Dashboards are revolutionizing data management by providing advanced tools that not only enhance data interpretation but also improve operational efficiency, user engagement, and patient outcomes. 

Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation


Evolving Data Analytics with AI - A Customer Segmentation Story

Understanding your audience is key to consistent and predictable growth and success. This week, our daily newsletters will be focused on Evolving Data Analytics with Generative AI, with a Customer Segmentation story. We form a team that will deliver reliable and accurate customer segmentation - but first let's take at how some of the team members use data analytics without the benefit of Generative AI. 

Unshackling Data Analytics


Unshackling Data Analytics - Making the case for Generative AI

Traditional data analytics often struggles or even fails to provide real-time responsiveness or even produces outdated insights due to reliance on historical data or limit timely decision-making and adaptability due to limitation of static tools and complex data interpretation strategies.

On the other hand, Generative AI can significantly enhance these processes by using Large Language Models (LLMs), Large Vision Models (LVMs), Speech-to-text (STT) and Text-to-Speech models to access and synthesize information from external sources beyond just organizational data. 

Learn from the past


Evolving Data Analytics - "Learn from the past"

Explore the real-world impact of customer segmentation across various industries. Discover how leveraging data analytics to segment customer bases has driven success for leading organizations.

Our team learns how tailored approaches to customer segmentation have led to significant business improvements and enhanced outcomes and get ready to put a plan in place. 

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